Dennis Miller Died and Went to Fox News
Real Free Speech: Dennis Miller on Defeatism About the War
A couple of months ago I made up a very conservative bush supporter, his name was Chris O’Brien and he loved Bush and irrationally came up with reason’s to defend him. I liked Chris and he was a lot of fun to create, however after going on yesterday I realized that he is a real person. Who is Chris O’Brien in real life? Dennis Miller.
I went on yesterday basically out of boredom and saw a Dennis Miller clip and figured I’d watch because I remembered on Saturday night live and on The Dennis Miller Show he was pretty funny. So when I saw that he was on I said to myself this ought to be interesting.
I was right in a sense but not in the way that I hoped. Dennis Miller actually has a spot on Fox news once a week, I knew about this I just didn’t know what he said, in all honesty after his Monday Night Football stint I sort of said I would never watch him again. But I always said everybody deserves a second chance and I remembered Miller in the nineties being pretty liberal, so adding this up I said to myself this would be interesting.
Unfortunately for myself I forgot for a second that this was and liberals don’t really exist in their realm. Dennis Miller talked about the war on terror, saying how we need to “stop whining” and that if we want to win the war on terror that we have to stop being “soft” and “if we don’t fight back our enemy will destroy us”. He fit the mold Orwell article that we read a couple of months ago being the fact that he used a million metaphors which made it very hard to understand. Despite his excessive use of metaphors Miller made his point loud and clear, we went into Iraq to keep our reputation as the strongest country in the world and if we start to wimp out we won’t win the War on Terror.
I found this statement of “winning the war on terror” to be very troubling. I am a competitive macho kind of guy and look at most things in terms of winning and losing. But the war on terror! Come on! The war on terror is a goal, we want terrorism to end. What happens exactly when we beat terror? Does it die? Do we get their territory? I assure you not. I always thought that the war on terror was to prevent similar tragedies to 9/11. I was not aware that it was in terms of winning and losing, nor was I aware that it was to give us as miller said a “Ronnie Lott status” so nobody will go “up the middle on us.
Dennis Miller basically was unheard of after his stint on Monday Night Football, and has a stellar reputation for being very conservative. I thought that putting Miller’s segment on was an attempt to show us a glimpse of liberalism on their news broadcast. Unfortunately fox news had just used Miller as their puppet, he only says what they want him to say. If you watch his past Free speech segments you will say that he rarely utters a negative word against the president. I think on this segment that I was talking about he even said that Viet Nam was a good thing.
This particularly angers me because now I am feelings fox news’s full effect on all fronts. I thought that after this class fox news wouldn’t get on my nerve’s as much because I wont be as into politics as I am now. I figured one less thing to stress about, but now they not only distort our news but they ruin my comedians.
As I have said in previous blogs I am a fan of standup comedy and love the fact that they can say whatever they want. Dennis Miller used to be a comedian that I liked, but now fox news has paid their way into his routine.
They took a once funny person and smart person and turned him into someone who just isn’t either. It is very clear that Dennis Miller does this for one reason only; money. If I didn’t know better I would have thought this segment came from good old dubya himself. Dennis Miller went from being someone who’s solution to our Palestinian problem was to send them to Vegas, to someone who says that America should keep our troops in Iraq until we win. All I know is that Dennis Miller of the nineties would not have said that.
One of the things I hate more than anything else in the world is someone who thinks that they are funny when they are not all. Dennis Miller has now become that. He is not saying anything absurd anymore, well nothing he thought of at least. If the Hannity and Colmes think something is funny it is very clear that there is a major problem.
I just hope that fox news doesn’t corrupt any more comedians to show their “liberal” side, because in all honesty I really miss the real Dennis Miller and I am scared that if such a hard core lefty could jump ship for a couple of bucks then who’s next? It may be John Stewart, Colbert, Chris Rock, Bobby Slayton or David Chappelle who knows. But the issue must be addressed, now that fox news isn’t just distorting our new they are changing our comedians too, where will they stop?
But there's a cause-and-effect or chicken-and-egg question here: did DM get all unfunny because of FOX, or did he get hired because he had already become all unfunny? Beware the logical fallacy!
I would have to say unfunny because of fox. Because before he went on fox he still was funny, although he did bomb on Monday night football it didn’t mean he wasn’t funny, it just meant he knew nothing about sports, so that’s why he bombed. But he can only say certain things on fox therefore fox made him unfunny. If you never liked him to begin with that’s another issue in itself, but I used to watch his show and thought it was very funny, now though he isn’t saying things that he used to say, it seems as if he doesn’t believe in what he says. So I will say fox made him unfunny because he was funny before fox and now that he is on fox he’s not.
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