
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Something New!

I know nobody has written their blog’s yet so if any of you look at my blog before you write yours please listen to this. There was an article in CNN (CNN) and I am sure all the other news station, Bush is saying he will not Pull out of Iraq until “mission is complete”.

Yes I know this looks juicy and you might be able to have some fun with it but I beg you not to blog about it for a couple of reasons.

1. Writing about this makes you the ultimate cliché

2. I am so sick of hearing Bush is an idiot ect... it’s getting old and annoying and although I know that hes not the brightest of the bunch hearing about it everyday just gets annoying.

3. this is way to easy to write about and most likely you will just say the same thing that the rest of the blogers in the world are saying, don’t you want to be a little bit original. This is a class that is teaching us to think on our own, so surely an article in which you will just be writing based on the current popular dissent for Bush is a little sad.

So I ask for my sake your sake originalities sake and anyone else’s please pick something semi-interesting or just not this, because I really cant take much more the same thing being said everyday.

So I ask for my sake youroriginalitylities sake and anyoane else's please pick something semi-interesting or just not this, because I really cant take much more the same thing being said everyday.


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