This assignment was to write our thoughts of the Al Jazeera website. Al Jazeera claims to be the only politically independent television station in the Middle East. It now rivals the BBC in worldwide audiences with an estimated 50 million viewers.
Why do I bring this up? Well its sort of simple. Contrary to the majority of this class I dont check cnn.com or foxnews.com everyday. On a good week I will look at these wonderful websites two or three times, they are allcontrolledd by the big boys upstairs so whywaiste my time with a lie when I can check the score of the game thatisn'tt biased or misleading!(I just said that to get a reaction out of ya doc)
Ok ,so not really knowing adifferencee of how anAmericann news website would write aarticlee and how the Al Jazeera writes one, a certainarticlee on the website struckquitt aninterestt to me.
It said that the Al Jazeeratelevisionn station hasannouncedd it was going to be broadcasted inEnglishh. This by no means can be a good thing.
First of all this is a station that played Osama videos like fox plays Sienfeld reruns. They made their mark by showing brutal war footage. They also have an outstanding reputation of being quit bias. When I heard that their news station in the middle east was bombed, and someonee hacked into their website and made it onlyArabic. It made me realize how powerful media can be and how powerful this specific station is.
Knowing Al Jazeera's power the idea of them broadcasting on a nightly basis is absolutely horrifying.What'sts to stop them from distorting the news to make victims out of the Arab terrorists . Now regarding the middle east I can almost guarantee you that now matter how bad you think CNN is this will obviously be worse.
And the worst part is the flip sidisn'tnt much better. If they end up not being as Arab bias as originally thought, do you really think that Americaca will shy away from such an opportunity. If Al Jazeera is actually un- bias to the Arabs, then they very well could be a new tool of propaganda for our fine government.
To underestimate the significance of this news is something that would be as very naive. The current most powerful television station in the world is coming to a living room near you.Exited?
Hmmmm. . . .you seem troubled by what you think Al Jazeera has or will broadcast, but don't offer much evidence, or make judgments about how to separate legitimate difference of perspective from more nefarious behaviors. . . .
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