
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

George Orwell’s article “Politics an the English Language” was very interesting for me. As someone who when he picks up the times takes out the sports section then throws out the rest of or when I chose to pick up people over a news week it left me asking why do I not care about the important things that goes in the world?

The answer to this question was very clearly explained in Orwell’s article. The fact that politicians make a three page paper for an issue that should have only had one paper on it or that even if they did make it a sufficient length, they would use so many enigmatic , ambiguous , vague, indistinguishable, interchangeable ,oxymoronic ,hazy ,indistinct blurred and faint terms.( I ran out of synonyms but hey how good of a job was that bet ya you have absolutely no idea what I was saying! maybe I can write for Bush) That you either get confused during the article and not understand it or you just stop reading because it doesn’t make sense.

The reason why they do this is so you obviously wont understand what your reading and therefore lack an opinion on it. There is a reason why the majority of people go to over the republican website.

Orwell’s article and especially his five rules at the end were very important to read. This should not only be read and followed by politicians, but writers every were. Because I think were all sick of the needless metaphors and the mutant sized words that we are not going to look up in the dictionary.


At 12:42 PM, Blogger Cranky Doc said...

It sounds as if you're latching on to Orwell as an excuse to continue to ignore the news pages. . . . And is the kind of political language Orwell criticizes really all that there is to be found in the papers?


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