
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Blogg about Blogg

Cheney on Iraq and "what if" by John in DC - 9/12/2006 08:16:00 PM
From Hotline's blog:
Cheney on going to war with Iraq: "If on 9/11 they'd had a nuke instead of an airplane, you'd have been looking at a casualty toll that would rival all the deaths in all the wars fought by Americans in 230 years. That's the threat we have to deal with, and that drove our thinking in the aftermath of 9/11 and does today."
You know, I've often felt this way about my neighbor. If he had had a nuke instead of a really loud stereo, I'd be looking at millions of deaths instead of simply being woken up early this morning.So, can I kill my neighbor?

This person who wrote this block clearly didn’t think much before he wrote this. Although America does like to poke fun at Cheney for man things that happen to him or many things that he says, what he said here wasn’t so crazy. After 9/11 America did have to be cautious and had to think of even the most crazy threats and Osama hitting us with a nuke isn’t so far off. Yes you can say nobody would bomb us with a nuke but before 9/11 everybody said nobody would crash to plains into the WTC (not exactly in those words but u know what I mean). All Cheney was saying is that the after math of 9/11 made them the think of the worst possible situations and that he needs to prepare defense to them. I definitely don’t agree with this person when he says “so should I kill my neighbor” it was a terrible analogy because his neighbor never bombed anybody and was never a threat too, the fact that he wakes him every morning with his stereo is totally irrelevant. This person may have political knowledge but definitely lacking in the intelligence dept. His analogy doesn’t make sense although his point is pretty clear this person clearly likes to complain about anything. He represents a spiteful democrat, this is a person who isn’t happy that his party lost and has looked at everything the republicans have said or done since then and complained about it. I guess now days we would call him a sore loser. Yes the bush administration has its flaws but this is defiantly not something to gripe about. its the 11th one


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